Hackers hacked into the system of three Prague polyclinics, e-mails and ordering system do not work


The following is a translation: The mentioned three polyclinics  fall under the company  Poliklinika IPP . “It is true, but I do not want to comment on it. The whole event is now being investigated and I do not want to endanger what is happening around, “confirmed the attack by Lenka Šmídová, executive of the IPP Polyclinic. Whether the perpetrators demanded money, she did not want to comment. “It simply came to our notice then. Above me is the owner of the company, so this did not go through me, ”  she said. “At this point, I can confirm that we have received an incident report at this medical facility and are currently working on it. We will not comment on this anymore, “said NÚKIB spokesman Jiří Táborský. The daily N writes that, according to its information, the attack is not related to the vulnerability of Microsoft Exchange mail servers, which hackers recently used to attack the Prague City Hall or the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. Read more on iROZHLAS.cz. A notice on Poliklinika’s web site states: WE APPLY TO OUR PATIENTS FOR A FLAT TECHNICAL FAILURE. WE WORK ON THE DEFECT. IF IT IS NOT ACUTE, PLEASE CONTACT THE RECEPTION UNTIL TOMORROW (IE TUESDAY 16.3.2021) IF YOU WANT TO APPEAR FROM A VISIT TO THE DOCTOR, USE OUR EMAIL. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING AND CONGRATULATIONS FOR THE COMPLICATIONS    Translated: WE APPLY TO OUR PATIENTS FOR A FLAT TECHNICAL FAILURE. WE WORK ON THE DEFECT. IF IT IS NOT ACUTE, PLEASE CONTACT THE RECEPTION UNTIL TOMORROW (IE TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 2021) IF YOU WANT TO APPEAR FROM A VISIT TO THE DOCTOR, USE OUR EMAIL. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING AND WE APOLOGIZE FOR THE INCONVENIENCE Great thanks to @Chum1ng0 for sending this along. This site does not often come across breach reports from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. This one provides a quick recap of other medical entity breaches in the area: In the Czech Republic last year, hackers attacked, for example, the hospital in Benešov, the Ostrava and Olomouc teaching hospitals or the Karlovy Vary Regional Hospital. At the beginning of this year, a small domestic hospital faced an attack via the Internet. Last year’s survey of the Ministry of Health among more than 160 hospitals in the Czech Republic found that they would need to invest more than four billion crowns in cyber security by 2023.DataBreaches.netRead More