Cyber attack – EVK Lippstadt stops patient admission
The situation described in this news report is exactly what all countries must cooperate to prevent — a hospital has been unable to care for patients due to a cyberattack. Patients are being diverted. Hellweg Radio reports (translation): The Evangelical hospital in Lippstadt does not accept any more patients until further notice. This is due to a cyber attack. This means that external malware has access to the system. The attack was apparently detected yesterday morning (March 30), and they shut down systems to prevent further damage. Only severe emergencies and mothers who are expecting their children were being admitted. All others had to go to another hospital or contact the respective secretariat in the EVK to reschedule. Read more on Hellweg Radio. The March 30 statement on the hospital’s web site reads (translation): 30.03.2021 Hacker attack on the EVK Lippstadt: patient admissions must be stopped An attack with external malware brought the entire IT infrastructure of the Evangelical Hospital to a standstill on Tuesday morning. Since, among other things, programs that are relevant for patient documentation are affected, the hospital has initiated an admission freeze for the entire house with immediate effect, with the exception of obstetrics, maternity wards and premature babies. Due to the severe restrictions in the entire operational process, the hospital cancels all elective interventions and planned inpatient stays until further notice. Affected patients are asked to contact the responsible secretariats by telephone from tomorrow. Emergency patients with life-threatening illnesses will continue to receive first aid in the hospital’s emergency room and then transferred. Other patients with acute medical complaints are asked to go to the emergency department of the Trinity Hospital or one of the neighboring hospitals. The emergency service of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV emergency service) at the Evangelical Hospital continues. The care of the patients currently in the hospital is ensured. Pregnant women who are about to give birth or who have acute complications will continue to be cared for in the maternity ward. The hospitals in the area as well as the rescue services in the Soest district and the neighboring districts are informed of the current situation. Together with the regional criminal police and a specialized external service provider, the hospital is working flat out on a solution to the problem. In addition, charges against unknown persons were filed with the criminal police. Until further notice, the Evangelical Hospital can only be reached by phone and not by email. h/t, @Chum1ng0DataBreaches.netRead More