The importance of favicons in website OSINT research

Find out how useful the favicon research is in website OSINT.osintme.comRead More


The Haiku of OSINT for 12/31/24

Assad overthrownRussia exits SyriaNew factions emergeThird Eye OSINTRead More


Lake Constance – Geolocation

It has taken well over 7 years before this geolocation challenge was resolved, and I have spent countless hours on


About Black Box (CL)OSINT Tools

Within the last decade or so I have the feeling that ‘OSINT’ simply has become a buzzword, and loads of


OSINT resources for researching ransomware

Multiple sources and datasets for investigating ransomware activity.osintme.comRead More


Offensive OSINT s05e08 – OS Surveillance 2.0

In this article we will take a journey with Open Source Surveillance system through real-life use cases, from conflict zones


Week in OSINT #2024-31

This week I have a small update from the world of OSINT for you, and am taking a small break


Week in OSINT #2024-30

Welcome to your OSINT fix of Monday July 29, with some articles, crypto currency, a podcast and a nifty tool!


Week in OSINT #2024-23

Your weekly dose of OSINT news brings you some more UDM options, Sofia and Shadows, and we’ll look at some


Manifest V3

This page contains a list of extensions, and their respective Manifest versions. In Week in #OSINT 2024-22, I wrote about


Offensive OSINT s05e06 – Open Source Surveillance – Free advanced Open Street Map search

I’m happy to introduce Open Street Map capabilities into Open Source Surveillance, free for all users. Now, it’s easier than


The Haiku of OSINT for 06/30/24

Gotta have more dronesThey recon, target, airdropNext they’ll do laundryThird Eye OSINTRead More


Week in OSINT #2024-25

From search tools to Skip, and from X to extreme, another episode with some interesting topics from the world of


The Limerick of OSINT for 06/30/24

Operational art is a linkWhere tactics and strategy syncCombined arms and joint firesCrossing all graphic wiresWar planning requires us to


Week in OSINT #2024-27

This week another small update from the world of open source investigations, with some free reading material to start with!


Week in OSINT #2024-26

This week a filled episode, with books and bookmarks, names and Needlestack, training and tweets! This week I spend some


Week in OSINT #2024-29

Welcome to a short update of week 29 of 2024, where I dive into some interesting posts I found on