
Week in OSINT #2023-49

Another week, another episode with podcasts, people, tutorials and training!
This weekend was a bit more busy than I anticipated, so I didn’t have enough time to finish this week’s episode in time. But I still wanted to publish it, since I found some interesting things last week I really wanted to share. So today it didn’t appear on 8AM Central European Time, as usual, but slightly later. Without further ado, I present to you this week’s topics:

Goodbye Podcast
Sourcing Games
Craig Silverman

News: Goodbye Podcast
It has been a few months ago already, but I do want to start this week with a personal thank you to Michael Bazzell []. Over the years, he has created hundreds of episodes of his ‘Privacy, Security, and OSINT Show’, but it has come to an end last month. Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge and insight with the community. For the hours of listening pleasure, the tips and privacy tools you use. And even though you don’t see the point of having an eternal archive, I secretly hope that one day you will find a good solution to host all the episodes again.
Farewell to an amazing podcast

Training: Sourcing Games
If you have some time off during the upcoming holiday season, for whatever reason, this is the thing for you! Several weeks ago, Jan Tegze [ ] shared three (!) new levels over on ‘Sourcing games’. I love such games, because the techniques needed to answer the questions, have real-world applications. Thank you, Jan, for the constant updates!
Diving into #39

Media: Craig Silverman
Craig Silverman [ ] was invited by the NeedleStack [ ] crew to talk about investigative journalism, disinformation on social media, open source intelligence and more! And if you haven’t subscribed to this podcast yet, I do suggest you do so right away

Craig Silverman on NeedleStack

Tutorial: PeakVisor
Sophie Tedling [ ], tech fellow at Bellingcat [ ], created a two-part series on PeakVisor, one of the best mountaineering tools out there. The online tool enables you to view what hills and mountains look like, from any point on earth. In this series, she explains exactly how it works, how to use it, and how it compares to Google Earth’s 3D view.

First part of PeakVisor for OSINV
YouTube: Part 1
YouTube: Part 2

Tutorial: Sitemaps
Cyb_detective [ ] has been busy lately, downloading my site content. The reason for that is, to write a tutorial about how to create sitemaps, and download every single link from a website. In the tutorial a small Python script is shown that will generate a list of links. Besides that, other tools are mentioned too, to scrape websites for further analysis.
Scraping links with Python

FUNINT: This Week’s Meme
Thank you for all the years you have created your podcast! The community truly respects all the work you’ve put in, and we wish you all the best!

Have a good week and have a good search!Sector035’s feedRead More